








主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等项目10余项;在Adv Drug Deliv RevActa Pharm Sin BNano LettersBiomaterialsJ Control ReleaseChem Sci等期刊发表高水平学术论文50余篇,其中4IF>15,多篇获封面文章、Highlight、高被引论文(前1%)、热点论文(前0.1%)、中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000),申请国家发明专利5项。获江苏省中医药科技一等奖。

担任教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家、教育部中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛评审专家;现任中华中医药学会青年委员会委员、世界中医药学会联合会中医药抗病毒研究专委会常务理事、江苏省生物物理学会监事等;任Adv Drug Deliv RevActa Pharm Sin B专刊主编,Acupunct Herb Med、《药学学报》、《中草药》等期刊青年编委,多次获优秀青年编委、突出贡献青年编委;科技部、国家自然科学基金委及多省科技评审专家。




1. Shenyu Tan#, Zhuoya Liu#, Minghui Cong#, Xiaoqing Zhong, Yinping Mao, Mingjie Fan, Fangwen Jiao*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Dandelion-derived vesicles-laden hydrogel dressings capable of neutralizing Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins for the care of invasive wounds. J Control Release. 2024, 368:355-371.

2. Qing Zhao#, Junjie Feng#, Fubin Liu#, Qianxin Liang, Manlin Xie, Jiaming Dong, Yanfang Zou, Jiali Ye, Guilong Liu, Yue Cao, Zhaodi Guo, Hongzhi Qiao*, Lei Zheng*, Kewei Zhao*. Rhizoma Drynariae-derived nanovesicles reverse osteoporosis by potentiating osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells via targeting ERα signaling. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2024, 14 (5):2210-2227.

3. Shuning Tian#, Shenyu Tan#, Mingjie Fan, Wenlin Gong, Tianchang Yang, Fangwen Jiao*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Hypoxic environment of wounds and photosynthesis-based oxygen therapy. Burns Trauma. 2024, 12:tkae012.

4. Zeyu Xu#, Mei Dong#, Shaoping Yin#, Jie Dong, Ming Zhang, Rong Tian, Wen Min, Li Zeng, Hongzhi Qiao*, Jun Chen*. Why traditional herbal medicine promotes wound healing: Research from immune response, wound microbiome to controlled delivery. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2023, 195:114764.

5. Lei Zhang, Simin Li, Minghui Cong, Zhuoya Liu, Zhiyue Dong, Meng Zhao, Kun Gao, Lihong Hu*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Lemon-Derived Extracellular Vesicle-like Nanoparticles Block the Progression of Kidney Stones by Antagonizing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Renal Tubular Cells. Nano Lett. 2023, 23(4):1555-1563.

6. Lina Gao, Meng Zhao, Yinping Mao, Lei Zhang, Xiao Wang, Simin Li, Linxi Qin, Jun Xu, Lihong Hu*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Localized Microsphere/Hydrogel for Tumor Immunotherapy of Cardiac Glycoside with Minimal Toxicity. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2023, 15(1):578-590.

7. Minghui Cong#, Shenyu Tan#, Simin Li, Lina Gao, Luqi Huang*, Huang-Ge Zhang*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Technology insight: plant-derived vesicles—how far from the clinical biotherapeutics and therapeutic drug carriers? Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2022, 182:114108.

8. Chenglin Song#, Chenxi Yang#, Siwei Meng, Manru Li, Xiao Wang, Yaoxuan Zhu, Lingdong Kong, Wen Lv*, Hongzhi Qiao*, Yang Sun*, Deciphering the mechanism of Fang-Ji-Di-Huang-Decoction in ameliorating psoriasis-like skin inflammation via the inhibition of IL-23/Th17 cell axis, J Ethnopharmacol. 2021, 281: 114571.

9. Jing Zhang#, Kaili Hu#, Liuqing Di, Penglong Wang, Zhidong Liu, Jinming Zhang, Pengfei Yue, Wantong Song, Jingwei Zhang, Tongkai Chen, Zuhua Wang, Yongtai Zhang, Xiaoying Wang, Changyou Zhan, Yung-Chi Cheng, Xiang Li, Quan Li, Jing-Yu Fan, Youqing Shen*, Jing-Yan Han*, Hongzhi Qiao*. Traditional herbal medicine and nanomedicine: Converging disciplines to improve therapeutic efficacy and human health, Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2021, 178: 113964.

10. Hongzhi Qiao#, *, Lei Zhang#, Dong Fang, Zhenzhu Zhu, Weijiang He, Lihong Hu, Liuqing Di, Zijian Guo, Xiaoyong Wang*; Surmounting tumor resistance to metallodrugs by co-loading metal complex and siRNA in nanoparticles, Chem Sci. 2021, 12(12):4547-4556.
