




主要研究方向:中药抗肿瘤药理, 生物信息学癌症组学, 中医药大数据病毒感染类疾病流行病学与循证医学,生物统计学


李梦圆,博士,副教授硕士生导师硕博毕业于中国药科大学。发表SCI研究论文30余篇,总引用量超3900,包含7SCI高被引论文其中作为一作/通讯作者于Journal for Immunotherapy of CancerAdvanced ScienceJournal of Medical Virology等期刊发表论文11篇, 单篇最高引用量超1700。软件著作权1项。 江苏省药理学会中药药理专业委员会委员江苏省药学会药物基因组专委会青年委员。任Frontier in ImmunologyFrontier in Oncology专刊编委,Traditional Medicine Research》、《中草药》、《中国癌症杂志》、《iMETA》等杂志青年编委。


1.Li, M.,et al. KALRN Mutations Promote Anti-tumor Immunity and Immunotherapy Response in Cancer. Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer. 2020;8:e000293.

2.Li, M.,et al. Retrospective prediction of the epidemic trend of COVID-19 in Wuhan at four phases. Journal of Medical Virology, 2021,93(4), 2493–2498.

3.Zhang, W.#, Chen, Y.#, Li, M.#, et al. A PDA-Functionalized 3D Lung Scaffold Bioplatform to Construct Complicated Breast Tumor Microenvironment for Anticancer Drug Screening and Immunotherapy. Advanced Science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), 2023, 10(26), e2302855.

4. Li, M., et al. Identifying novel factors associated with COVID-19 transmission and fatality using the machine learning approach. Science of the Total Environment. 764 (2021): 142810.SCI高被引论文

5. Li, M., et al. Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor gene ACE2 in a wide variety of human tissues. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 9, 45 (2020). SCI高被引论文引用量超1700,杂志引用量前5文章,BMC杂志社颁发‘Infectious Diseases of Poverty Excellent Article Award 2016-2020奖项

6. Li, M., et al. An algorithm to quantify intratumor heterogeneity based on alterations of gene expression profiles. Communications Biology. 3, 505 (2020).


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