

姓名:  王裔惟

职称:  教授




       王裔惟,江苏省特聘教授,药剂学与中药药剂学博士研究生导师。2007年博士毕业于英国金斯顿大学,2004年硕士毕业于澳大利亚悉尼大学。2007年至2009年,先后在英国国家物理中心,澳大利亚昆士兰大学药学院从事博士后研究。 2009年至2020年任悉尼大学ANZAC研究所,烧伤与整形外科首席研究员。2020年入选江苏省特聘教授。在Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Burns & Trauma等权威期刊发表论文93篇,专著2篇,国际PCT专利授权1项,谷歌学术总引>3700H-index 30。自2021年起任Burns & Trauma 编委,Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences青年编委, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 客座主编。共培养博士研究生7名,硕士研究生9名,悉尼大学一等荣誉学士4名, 入选2018年悉尼大学杰出博士生导师。





4.iCare-Research Grant, Australia, A novel 3D model for drug screening in mesothelioma, 2020/01-2022/12, 参与,150万。

5.ANZAC Research Institute Research Grant (APP1147011), Macronutrients, metabolism and burn injury wound healing, 2019/01-2019/12, 主持,25万。

6.Australian National Health and Medical Research Council-Project Grant (APP1100296), The role of androgens in burn injury wound healing, 2016/01-2019/12, 主持,200


1.N. Xue, P. Liu*, W. Zhao, Z. Zhou, L. Zhang, R. Huang, R. Liu, A. Fathi, J.-A. Duan, J. Chen*, and Y. Wang*. A horn peptide-thermoresponsive hydrogel for angiogenesis and bone regeneration. Advanced Healthcare Materials, e2304400, (2024).

2.K. Tsai, H. Shi, R. Parungao, S. Naficy, X. Ding, X. Ding, J. Hew, X. Wang, W. Chrzanowski, G. Lavery, Z. Li, A. Issler-Fisher, J. Chen, Q. Tan, P. Maitz, M. Cooper, Y. Wang*. Skin 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 enzyme expression regulates burn wound healing and can be targeted to modify scar characteristics. Burns & Trauma: tkac052, (2023). (Front cover)

3.Q. Tang, N. Xue, X. Ding, K. Tsai, J. Hew, R. Jiang, R. Huang, X. Cheng, X. Ding, Y. Cheng, J. Chen*,Y. Wang*. Role of wound microbiome, strategies of microbiota delivery system and clinical management. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,192:114671, (2023).

4.Q. Tang, M. Dong*, Z. Xu, N. Xue, R. Jiang, X. Wei, J. Gu, Y. Li, R. Xin, J. Wang, X. Xiao, X. Zhou, S. Yin, Y. Wang* and J. Chen*. Red blood cell-mimicking liposomes loading curcumin promote diabetic wound healing. Journal of Controlled Release, 361:871-884, (2023).

5.H. Shi, K. Tsai, D. Ma, X. Wang, R. Desai, R. Parungao, N. Hunt, Y. Cheng, H. Zhang, Y. Xu, U. Simanainen, Q. Tan, M. Cooper, D. Handelsman, P. Maitz, Y. Wang*. Controlled dual release of dihydrotestosterone and flutamide from polycaprolactone electrospun scaffolds accelerate burn wound healing. The FASEB Journal,36 (5): e22310 (2022).

6.J. Hew, R. Parungao, C. Mooney, J. Smyth, S. Kim, K. Tsai, H. Shi, C. Chong, R. Chan, B. Attia, C. Nicholls, Z. Li, S. Solon-Biet, D. Le Couteur, S. Simpson, M. Jeschke, P. Maitz, Y. Wang*. Low-protein diet accelerates wound healing in mice post-acute injury, Burns & Trauma, 9(9): tkab010, (2021).

7.J. Hew, R. Parungao, P. Shi, D. Ma, K. Tsai, Z. Li. S. Solon-Biet, M. D’Souz, D. LeCouteur, S. J. Simpson, M. Jeschke, P. Maitz, Y. Wang*.  Geometric framework reveals that a moderate protein, high carbohydrate intake is optimal for severe burn injury in mice. British Journal of Nutrition 123(9) 1056-1067, (2020).

8.Y. Wang, J. Beekman, J. Hew, S. Jackson, A. Issler-Fisher, R. Parungao, S. Lajevardi, Z. Li and P. Maitz*. Burn injury: Challenges and advances in burn wound healing, infection, pain, and scarring. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews123: 3-17, (2018).

9.Y. Wang, S. M. Mithieux, Y. Kong, X. Wang, C. Chong, A. Fathi, F. Dehghani, E. Panas, J. Kemnitzer, R. Daniels, R. Kimble, P. Maitz, Z. Li and A. Weiss*. Tropoelastin incorporation into a dermal regeneration template promotes wound angiogenesis, Advanced Healthcare Materials 4 (4): 576-576, (2015). (Front cover)

10.Y. Wang, H-I Chang, D. F. Wertheim, A.S. Jones, C. Jackson, A.G.A. Coombes, Characterization of the macroporosity of polycaprolactone-based biocomposites and release kinetics for drug delivery. Biomaterials28 (31) 4619-4627, (2007).


1.2023年,Excellent Author Award, Burns & Trauma.

2.2023, Outstanding Early-Career Board Member, Burns & Trauma.

3.2018年,Supervisor of the Year, The University of Sydney.
